Monday, November 20, 2006

Process to build website

Considerations before planning a website

Time: Flexible
Resource: How much.. is it enough, cost advantageous? Build in-house? Or outsource entirely>
Budget: Right mix of skills

Define Scope>
Its vary important to define the scope of the project. Who are going to access the website and what are their needs to build a website that reflects those needs.

Process of building website involves the follwoin

Strategy formulation
User Experience Definition
Architecture Design Process

Strategy Formulation
Development/Improvement of new/existing site

User Experience Definition
User Type
Brainstorm to find user type, consolidate in groups based on similarities of needs and try to understand who and what.
User Intention
Describes the tasks that the user is trying to accomplish and what processes they expect to go through in order to be successful
Functionality and content mix
It is possible to define what functions have to be performed and when
Also a process flow from start to finish must be designed , with a description of the screen that the user would see, and the content and fuctions should be available at any given time.
Following these steps, it is possible to build a “use case” scenario.

Architecture Design Process
The look and feel of the website or the context - what functions the site will need and how these functions will be represented on screen

Site map and Page schematics
Technical Discovery



Build Phase

Back-end development
Interface development
Interactive development
Content development

Building process
Design the technical infrastructure
Design the technical components
Build the components
Integrate these components
Test components, individually and integrated
Refine system based on these results
Launch the website

Before building computer language and architecture of hardware and software environments have to be set . Concerning languages the following points have to be considered

Available skills

Page design

Unique Pages
Template Pages.

Design style guide

Interface Development

Application Development


Test scripts/use cases

Unit testing
Integration Testing
Systems Testing
Load testing

Select hosting facility
Build and test the servers
Test the connectivity
Audit the security of the overall system

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